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This One's For The Girls

The Growing Beautiful collection is for the young and young at heart. Today I'm sharing a couple dress patterns that are great for the little women in your life. Hold on to your hats for some cuteness!

We will begin with the Rose Dress by Olive Ann Designs who has several patterns for girls. I chose this dress pattern because Ann recommended it for rayon fabric which is shown in the example here! This design really shows off the drape. You can find this pattern on the Olive Ann website or talk to your quilt shop about carrying it. (Site is currently under maintenance.) This gorgeous sample and photograph is brought to you by Stephanie Kendron of Modern Sewciety.

I also want to share the Geranium Dress by Made By Rae. I love this pattern because it offers a lot of versatility. You can customize the dress by mixing and matching different sleeves, skirts, necklines, the length and pockets. Click here to download this pattern from the Made By Rae website or talk your local quilt shop about carrying it in print.

Be sure to check out all of the patterns Made By Rae offers! A big thank you to Katie Blakesley from Pattern Drop for the lovely dress and picture. 

I want to add a quick note about the ladies who made these dresses. First of all, they are awesome, but they also have creative businesses in the sewing world!

Stephanie Kendron of Modern Sewciety has a fantastic podcast where she connects and interviews with creative people in the sewing community. She also has a block of the month club called Modern Sewcialites with lots of additional benefits worth checking out! 

Katie Blakesley of Pattern Drop has amazing modern quilt patterns that you can purchase individually or subscribe and get one once a month! She collaborates with other designers and puts together unique and beautiful quilt patterns! Her website and newsletter is also full of informative techniques and quilting products. Visit Pattern Drop by clicking here!