Moda Block Heads 4: Block 26
This week we have Block 26 "Postage Stamp" by Corey Yoder of Coriander Quilts. This is such a cute block and it sparked some creative ideas for me. Head over to Corey's blog to get the download and see all of her beautiful quilts and patterns.
I have made my block with Garden Society which is in shops now. I included the coordinating Bella solids below that may come in handy when planning your projects. This collection has a fun patchwork print in two colorways. I've discovered that when you cut it into strips it has a kaleidoscope effect with glimpses of different colors and patterns. Really cool!
As I was making this block, I thought it would be fun to make a themed quilt like Christmas or Valentine's Day since the post office releases new collections of these stamps each year.
I have some Charlie Harper bird prints that would look so cute fussy cut in the center. I have too many ideas and not enough time! Enjoy sewing your Postage Stamp!
Links & Resources
BH4 Block 26 - Postage Stamp by Corey Yoder of Coriander Quilts
Follow Corey on Instagram here: @corianderquilts
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