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Moda Block Heads 4: Block 26

This week we have Block 26 "Postage Stamp" by Corey Yoder of Coriander Quilts. This is such a cute block and it sparked some creative ideas for me. Head over to Corey's blog to get the download and see all of her beautiful quilts and patterns.

I have made my block with Garden Society which is in shops now. I included the coordinating Bella solids below that may come in handy when planning your projects. This collection has a fun patchwork print in two colorways. I've discovered that when you cut it into strips it has a kaleidoscope effect with glimpses of different colors and patterns. Really cool!

As I was making this block, I thought it would be fun to make a themed quilt like Christmas or Valentine's Day since the post office releases new collections of these stamps each year.

I have some Charlie Harper bird prints that would look so cute fussy cut in the center. I have too many ideas and not enough time! Enjoy sewing your Postage Stamp!

Links & Resources

BH4 Block 26 - Postage Stamp by Corey Yoder of Coriander Quilts

Follow Corey on Instagram here: @corianderquilts

Moda Block Heads 4 Basic Methods & Information

Moda Block Heads 4 Archive Page

Moda Block Heads Facebook Group


Block Heads 4 Designers 

Vanessa Goertzen

Corey Yoder

Joanna Figueroa

Janet Clare

Sherri McConnell

Brenda Riddle

Vanessa Christenson

Betsy Chutchian

Chelsi Stratton

Kate Spain

Lisa Bongean

Brigitte Heitland

Jackie MacDonald

Camille Roskelley

Debbie Maddy

Anne Sutton

Linzee Kull McCray

Laurie Simpson

Robin Pickens

Jan Patek

Stacy Iest Hsu

Barbara Groves

Tammy Vonderschmitt

Michelle White

Jenelle Kent

Lynne Hagmeier