Moda Block Heads 4: Block 15
Madainn mhath! That’s a Scottish Gaelic good morning to you!
I am so excited to share my block, Highland Plaid, with you this week. The block name refers to my Scottish and Irish ancestors discovered through my sister’s genealogy research. Our clan, McReynolds, was part of the Highlanders. It’s interesting to read the meaning of symbols used in the coat of arms; it’s something we don’t see very often these days. If you were to design a coat of arms for your family today, what would it look like? My guess is that it would have a sewing machine and a quilt block. The sword would of course be replaced with scissors or a seam ripper.
Plaid, also known as tartan, was considered the traditional Scottish dress and each clan had their own pattern and colors. My version of plaid has evolved into a more cheerful and colorful design!
The quilts we are making for this sew along, resemble a coat of arms in a sense. Each block has a special meaning and we are using colors and prints that personally appeal to us. Our quilts will someday be left behind to tell a story for future generations.
The Highland Plaid block is very easy to construct. I’ve included some pictures of the assembly process. I think you will find it difficult to make just one. You can download the block instructions here.
Once you have all your pieces cut out, start off by sewing your corner four-patch squares. I pressed my seams open. You can do as you wish. The next step is to sew your block into three rows. I did press the seams to the middle row in the opposite direction of the top and bottom so I could nestle the seams for the final assembly. After you sew your three rows together you’re finished!

I made a small table topper with my blocks using the Garden Society collection which will ship to shops in August. The topper includes 16 blocks and measures 36” x 36” finished. It pairs well with an angel food cake!

I also have included a 9 inch and 4 inch version in the Paisley Rose collection. This is the first 4 inch block that I’ve made and my hat goes off to those who are incorporating those into your sampler.

Mar sin leat (farewell) Block Head friends. Enjoy sewing this week. I look forward to seeing all of your colorful Highland Plaids.
Links & Resources
BH4 Block 15 - Highland Plaid by Crystal Manning
Follow Crystal on Instagram here: @cmanningsews
Moda Block Heads 4 Basic Methods & Information
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