Moda Block Heads 4: Block 11
It's berry season and Jackie MacDonald of Sweetfire Road has the perfect design for Block #11 this week. You can find the instructions on her blog!
I was going for a delicious black raspberry with the color choices in my block. The prints that I chose are from the Paisley Rose and Kasada collections. You really need to be precise with your seam allowance since there are so many pieces to sew together. Even if you're off a smidge it can start to add up. After I sewed three squares together; I checked to make sure they were an inch.
Links & Resources
BH4 Block 11 - Berry by Jackie MacDonald of Sweetfire Road
Follow Jackie on Instagram here: @sweetfireroad
Moda Block Heads 4 Basic Methods & Information
Moda Block Heads 4 Archive Page
Moda Block Heads Facebook Group