Parlor Is Showing To Shops Now With A September Delivery!



Inspired by a trailblazer in the culinary world, my latest collection is a reflection of Julia Child’s larger-than-life personality and passion for French cuisine. Her ability to bring joy to the kitchen and the table through her love of food has left a lasting impression on generations of cooks and food lovers.

My hope is that this colorful collection will bring joy to your sewing room as you sew projects for those dear to you. Make a new apron, gift hot pads to your friends, update your table with a topper or make a cozy quilt! Julia is sure to make you smile with bright florals, pops of fruit, tea cups and cute little birdies.

Julia will arrive in shops February 2024. Please be sure to let your favorite local or online quilt shop know about it so they can get their orders in now!

Stay tuned for some fun projects that I have made with this collection!