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Introducing Garden Society

"The scent of homegrown tomatoes, a summer breeze, and reading a good book in a hammock is happiness to me." 

Garden Society

Let me introduce my Garden Society, where membership is open to anyone who loves color, nature, and the knack to be creative. We make things to brighten our homes, and uplift the hearts of others, for pleasure; and age doesn't matter so long as you're wearing a smile.

Our colors this season are navy, coral, pistachio and teal, and they highlight a signature patchwork print that is ideal for garments, totes and quilt backings. If you're ready to start your garden, to let your creativity bloom into something delicious and unforgettable, welcome to the Garden Society. 

Showing to shops now and will ship in August 2022! Let your favorite quilt shop know if you'd like to have Garden Society to sew with later this year.


One of the simple pleasures of summer for me is a BLT sandwich. I love them so much it was the sole reason my husband and I decided to put out our first garden last year. It was then I learned this simple pleasure wasn't so simple after all.

I asked for a few tips for first time gardeners on social media and several people offered insights on what worked for them. I discovered a new society of home growers just like quilters! In spite of all the wonderful advice we received, it was imperative that we learn some things the hard way.

We had dirt delivered curbside for our raised beds on a rainy day. I remember the lady on the phone asking, "Are you sure?" I replied, "Yes, I have to get my tomatoes planted they are getting so tall they're falling over."

The dirt was delivered, it rained, we hauled wheel barrels of mud to the backyard. After making our yard a swamp and killing grass, we were finally able to plant our little tomatoes and peppers I had started from seed. I felt like they were my kids. I had no idea how many I needed so starting with 90 seedlings seemed like a good number. Approximately 80 made it to the final round, all taking over our kitchen. We didn't actually plant that many in our garden. We gave the extras to family and neighbors. 

While I was experiencing the colors and flavors of the season, I was also designing the prints that you now see in Garden Society. It has vibrant florals, butterflies and cute little grasshoppers. 

Patchwork Cheater Print

One of the prints that makes this collection unique is the patchwork print that comes in two colorways. The design on the left has a rainbow palette while the print on the right has hues of blue, turquoise, and green. This print has been a lot of fun to design with and they are also available in rayon! Stay tuned for the fun projects and quilts that I've stitched up with Garden Society.