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Herringbone Pillow Project

The nature to share tips and techniques to improve our skill set is one of the many things to love about the quilting community. I for one, love to challenge myself and learn new things.  I recently checked out this lovely book from our library by Victoria Findlay Wolfe called Modern Quilt Magic. In her book she teaches you several different quilting tricks that look difficult but aren't as challenging as they seem. You may be wondering why I don't own it and the answer is that I like to check them out from the library first. It's my vetting process. This one passed. I loved it. 


The Herringbone Pillow Project is the first project in the book and you learn how to sew with partial seams. I decided to make mine with the Paisley Rose collection that's available in shops now. This is an excellent way to get the technique down before trying a quilt. It's also a great confidence booster and now I'm excited about the idea of making a Herringbone quilt! You should try one too.

March $5 Pattern

You can enjoy my Falling Stars PDF pattern for $5 this month. It's precut friendly and perfect for those who love scrappy quilts. As you can see scrappy quilts are Piper's favorite.